Integration Rede for WooCommerce


Integrate Rede or Maxipago into your WooCommerce store and enable your customers to pay by credit or debit card

A Rede is part of the Itaú Unibanco group and is a acquiring company, being responsible for the capture, transmission and financial settlement of Visa, Mastercard, Elo, American Express, Hipercard, Hyper, Diners Club International, Cabal credit card transactions. Discover, China Union Pay, Aura, Sorocred, Coopercred, Sicredi, More !, Calcard, Banescard, Avista! in the Brazilian territory.

O Maxipago is part of the Rede Group, provides a secure and efficient payment gateway platform for businesses to accept major credit and debit cards in Brazil. With advanced security and fraud prevention, it ensures transaction safety and customer trust, offering seamless integration and support for businesses of all sizes.


Integration Rede for WooCommerce plugin is dependent on WooCommerce plugin, please make sure WooCommerce is installed and properly configured before starting Integration Rede for WooCommerce installation.

User instructions

  1. Search the WordPress sidebar for ‘Integration Rede for WooCommerce’.

  2. In the WooCommerce options, navigate to ‘Payments’ and then proceed to the settings for ‘Rede’ or ‘Maxipago’ as your preferred choice.

  3. Configure the required credentials for your selected payment gateway, such as PV and Token for Rede or Merchant ID and Merchant Key for Maxipago.

  4. Save your settings.

You have successfully configured Integration Rede for WooCommerce and enabled your customers to pay by credit or debit card.


Payments Settings

  1. After installing the plugin, access the WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to the WooCommerce settings.
  2. In the sidebar menu, click on “WooCommerce” and then on “Settings”.
  3. In the “Payments” tab, you’ll see a list of available payment methods.
  4. Locate “Rede” or “Maxipago” in the list of payment methods and go to settings.
  5. Enter the required configuration information for each payment method, such as PV and Token for Rede or or Merchant ID and Merchant Key for Maxipago.
  6. After configuring the payment methods, make sure to activate each one by toggling the switch.


  • Payment methods list.
  • Rede Credit settings page.
  • Rede Credit front inputs page.
  • Maxipago Credit front inputs page.
  • Maxipago Credit summary page.
  • Rede Credit front page legacy with installments.
  • Rede Debit settings page.
  • Rede and Maxipago payment list.


  1. Look in the sidebar for the WordPress plugins area;

  2. In installed plugins look for the ‘add new’ option in the header;

  3. Click on the ‘submit plugin’ option in the page title and upload the plugin;

  4. Click on the ‘install now’ button and then activate the installed plugin;

The Integration Rede for WooCommerce plugin is now live and working.


What is the license of the plugin?

  • This plugin is released under a GPL license.

What do I need to use this plugin?

  • Have installed the WooCommerce plugin.


🌸4️⃣ 18, 2024 1 reply
O aplicativo está funcionando perfeitamente, porém o layout está bem bagunçado. Há alguma forma de melhora-ló?
🍂 9️⃣ 10, 2021
Um excelente trabalho! Parabéns ao desenvolvedor porque seu Plugin não dá problema. Infinitamente melhor do que o oficial fornecido pelo Suporte da Rede/Itaú.
☀️ 8️⃣ 22, 2021
Estou com problemas com o plugin disponibilizado pela e-rede. Este esta salvando minha tarefa no e-commerce. Parabéns pelo trabalho!
🌸5️⃣ 5, 2021
Parabéns pelo plugin, ficou ótimo, obrigado por nos ajudar disponibilizando uma ótimo solução para nosso cliente.
Read all 8 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Integration Rede for WooCommerce” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Integration Rede for WooCommerce” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Integration Rede for WooCommerce” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



* Addition of Rede PRO settings as read-only;
* Add setting to load the infinite loading fix script.


* Improvement in script loading;
* Fixed field validation generating new orders.


* Correction of unrecognized translations;
* Correction of invalid order generation;
* Adjustments to field validation;
* Code optimization.


* Fixed scripts for card animation.


* Added compatibility with the PRO plugin.
* Added compatibility option to load legacy CSS.
* Added easier button to view transaction logs;
* Issuer bug fix;
* Refund bug fix;
* Correction of transaction bug not being captured automatically;
* Fixed field rendering bug on the checkout page.


* Fix refund function.


* Fix card animation loop.


* Fix errors in function to get the total purchase amount.


* Fix payment method layout errors at checkout.


* Fix payment method errors at checkout.


* Complete refactoring of the plugin to object-oriented architecture;
* Addition of debit option for payments with Rede;
* Addition of Maxipago for payment methods.


* Update compatibility information;
* Correction of the order id;
* Implementation of installment filter;
* Implementation of a filter to display the Network data on the order page only if this is the payment method used;
* Improvements to the card layout on the checkout page.


* Update compatibility information;
* Correction of the order id.


* Update compatibility information;
* Correction of the internationalization of error messages on the checkout page.


* Correction of the number of installments display;
* Year placeholder adjustment at card expiration;
* Plugin internationalization and translation for pt_BR;
* Inclusion of credit card banners icons;
* Expiration date now accepts 2 or 4 digits for year as well;
* Sanitize inputs fields.