Plugin Tag: planning
RSVP and Event Management
(55 total ratings)The RSVP Plugin is ideal for managing event registrations, offering powerful features to streamline the RSVP process for any type of event.
SmartAgenda – Prise de rendez-vous en ligne
(7 total ratings)Le plugin fonctionne grâce à l'application de prise de rendez-vous en ligne
Progress Planner
(1 total ratings)Powering your website’s progress! Track, motivate, and enhance your website management with daily activity tracking and weekly progress reports.
WP-Planification – WP-Planning
(1 total ratings)Plugin utilisĂ© pour crĂ©er un widget personnalisĂ© permettant de rĂ©cupĂ©rer dynamiquement les articles et pages planifiĂ©es (futures) dans WordPress. Il est donc possible d’afficher des Ă©vĂ©nements futurs ou des publications Ă venir en utilisant la planification (widget ou shortcode). (Plugin used to create a custom widget to dynamically retrieve the scheduled posts and pages in WordPress. It is therefore possible to display scheduled events or future publications using WP-Planification (widget or shortcode)).
Planaday API
(0 total ratings)Toon het cursusaanbod vanuit Planaday op jouw website met deze Wordpress-plugin Dit kan middels een lijst, op cursussoort of alle cursussen en in vers …
Bumbal connector
(0 total ratings)Bumbal connector is a plug-in for sending orders directly from WooCommerce to Bumbal planning software.
Setka Workflow — manage the editorial process, track content production
(0 total ratings)Setka Workflow makes it easy to manage the content creation process.
Garrett County Planning Tool (GCPT) – Public Health and Population Health Data and Planning Tool
(2 total ratings)This plugin is an open source population health framework built in Garrett County, Maryland, merged with the UCPT.
Q Events light
(0 total ratings)The Light Version of Q Events – simple publishing of events. More features on