Plugin Tag: html
1 Source Cleaner
(0 total ratings)Reduce the size of the source code by removing the line blake and white space.
Code Prettify Syntax Highlighter
(1 total ratings)Highlighting the code in the post with JavaScript library Β«google-code-prettifyΒ».
WordPress Accurate Geolocation
(1 total ratings)Accurate Geolocation with HTML5, modern and advanced geographic location identification features!
LH Paragraph Ids
(0 total ratings)LH Paragraph Ids is a WordPress plugin that adds ids to paragraph and heading elements within singular posts, pahes and custom post types.
Tabular – Create Stunning HTML Tables
(0 total ratings)Tabular creates semantic HTML tables automatically. No coding required. Simply edit table cells, choose a template, and display!
Welcome Announcement
(0 total ratings)Displays a welcome animation in flash on your website. Uses a cookie to show it only to new visitors. Returning visitors will see it when cookie expires.
Autoptimize admin bar fix
(0 total ratings)Fixes issue with Autoptimize plugin. This plugin will show your admin bar on frontend again.
WP CSS, Javascript and HTML
(0 total ratings)Custom CSS, Javascript and HTML on specific posts or page or you can do it in global.
HTML to Post
(0 total ratings)The HTML, CSS and JS file you choose will be inserted Your post or page.
HTML Block with Highlighting
(0 total ratings)HTML Block with Highlighting is a WordPress plugin which adds a new HTML Block with syntax highlighting to the Gutenberg editor.
Slick Slideshow
(0 total ratings)Slick Slideshow is a highly customizable, but easy-to-use JQuery Slideshow Plugin, to show dynamic images or contents on your website.
Address and Google Map Widget
(0 total ratings)It will display the HTML contact Address and google map in widget
(1 total ratings)PerformerJS allows you to add really cool effects and features to your website by doing some simple editing of the HTML code in your pages.
WP HTML Rotator Plugin
(0 total ratings)Schedule HTML sections to be shown or not based on a date range using a simple shortcode.
Batch Validator
(0 total ratings)This plugin performs a batch markup validation check over your entire WordPress website.
Dottoro Syntax Highlighter
(0 total ratings)Colorize your source code as easily as possible. Dottoro Highlighter provides professional coloring for CSS, HTML, JavaScript and XML languages.
Wp Html Class
(0 total ratings)A simple PHP class to work with PHP code instead of HTML in your projects.