Plugin Tag: html
WP Plain Text Post
(0 total ratings)A simple plug-in to configure plain text post for user roles and post types.
Lightweight HTML Minify
(1 total ratings)Lightweight HTML Minify plugin provide feature to install and minify HTML, Means you don't have to worry about any setting it will automatically …
(0 total ratings)For theme developers. Instead of hard-coding certain texts (selectable options) to your template, make them manageable on the admin side.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: ABAP Brush
(0 total ratings)This is a Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) brush for the "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" plugin.
Easy Sitemap Page
(0 total ratings)Add responsive sitemap in page using simple shortcode. No any extra setup required. Easy to customize.
Disable Visual Editor When Published
(1 total ratings)This plugin allows the visual editor for drafts, and then removes the visual editor (regardless of user settings) when content is published.
iOS Alternate Theme
(0 total ratings)Automatically switch to an alternate theme for Apple iOS devices (iPod, iPhone, iPad).
1 Source Cleaner
(0 total ratings)Reduce the size of the source code by removing the line blake and white space.
DBlocks CodePro
(0 total ratings)Advanced HTML Code Block and Code Syntax Highlighterin for sharing code snippets and running code.
Code Prettify Syntax Highlighter
(1 total ratings)Highlighting the code in the post with JavaScript library Β«google-code-prettifyΒ».
WordPress Accurate Geolocation
(1 total ratings)Accurate Geolocation with HTML5, modern and advanced geographic location identification features!
WP Fast Minify
(2 total ratings)Compress HTML Code, And Converting Inline Script and Style To JavaScript and CSS Compressed File.
(1 total ratings)A very useful and simple plug-in that allows you to hide a part of a post (links,image…) using standard HTML comment markers <!– and –>.
LH Paragraph Ids
(0 total ratings)LH Paragraph Ids is a WordPress plugin that adds ids to paragraph and heading elements within singular posts, pahes and custom post types.
WP CSS, Javascript and HTML
(0 total ratings)Custom CSS, Javascript and HTML on specific posts or page or you can do it in global.
Tabular – Create Stunning HTML Tables
(0 total ratings)Tabular creates semantic HTML tables automatically. No coding required. Simply edit table cells, choose a template, and display!
HTML Block with Highlighting
(0 total ratings)HTML Block with Highlighting is a WordPress plugin which adds a new HTML Block with syntax highlighting to the Gutenberg editor.